Blog – Sunrise 4 Wellness

Importance Of Protein After Exercise and What To Eat Post – Workout

When people hear “protein” and “exercise” in the same sentence, they’re most likely to picture images of bodybuilders eating tons of chicken and drinking protein shakes in order to maximise their gains. Protein is important for everyone who is hitting the gym, playing sports, going for runs or doing any other form of exercise, not […]

Is Mental Health Equally Important?

A few months ago, I attended a party at my friend’s place. I met many known and unknown people at the party. Everyone was enjoying themselves. People were dancing, drinking, talking, singing, playing etc. Few of them were colleagues, so they were, as usual, discussing their agendas. So, the party was organized by my friend […]

V02 Max | Fitness | Healthy | Energy | Lifestyle | Sunrise4Wellness

The Fitness Level is based on the estimation of VO2 max which represents the heart and muscles’ ability to convert oxygen into energy during physical exercise. Our Fitness Level is calculated on the basis of several factors. In addition to our age, gender, weight, and height, these factors include our heart rate and the tracks […]

Constipation | Gas | Acidity | Stomach Pain | Healthy Active Lifestyle | Sunrise4Wellness

CONSTIPATION Study shows that more than 20% of people in India are suffering from #constipation. The stomach is not cleaned properly because of lifestyle issues. Due to constipation, there are many problems during defecation. People suffering from this have to go for defecation several times. On the other hand, the person suffering from not getting […]

New Year Weight Loss Resolution

Weight loss is the No 1 resolution Every New Year. The resolution statement would be the same. All will say that: THIS YEAR I WILL LOSE THIS WEIGHT! We may just set the target and start with the New Year, but soon we fizzle out as we don’t find ourselves motivated enough to carry out […]

Weight | Fat Loss | New Year 2023 | Resolution

I know the new year has begun & the top resolution for 2023 will be weight loss & many will hit the GYM for membership. People will actually start going to the gym regularly for a week or so & slowly will get caught up in their work-life schedule & then start skipping a day […]

Wight Loss Formula | Health | Fit | Health Food

I wanted you to get prepared, so you crack open Your Productivity! With the first two habits. Here they are: Habit #1: Wake up early Habit #2: Start working immediately on something to get you on a positive path I will tell you these habits had a significant impact on me which changed my life […]

Water – The 5th Pillar Of Good Health & Body

WATER – Pani re Pani tera rang paisa….. Water is equally important From the 5 pillars (1)Mind set, 2) Nutrition, 3)Fitness, 4)Rest & 5)Water) to maintain good health & body All life on Earth uses a membrane that separates the organism from its environment. … In this regard, water is essential simply because it’s a […]

Lifestyle Weight Loss Formula

EVERY ONE WANTS “TO LIVE, TO LOVE, TO LEARN & TO LEAVE A LEGACY” So we move from urgency to importance, and we encounter the fundamental question at hand: What are “first things” and how do we put them first in our lives? The same is true in all areas of our lives. Being a […]

The 4th Pillars is “REST”

Sleep plays an important role in physical health. For example, sleep is involved in the healing and repair of your heart and blood vessels. Ongoing sleep deficiency is linked to an increased risk of heart disease, kidney disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, stroke & weight gain, and so on Sleep disorders have become a global […]

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