Analyse Your Lifestyle – Sunrise 4 Wellness

Analyse Your Lifestyle

Lifestyle, Weight Gain, Health Problems | Nutrients Protein, Fats, Carbohydrates, Vitamins, Minerals

History of Weight Gain

E.g., at 20 a person weighed 60 kg, now at 40 he weighs 85 kg. Draw a curve depicting his weight gain.

E.g., at 20 a person weighed 60 kg, now at 40 he weighs 85 kg. Draw a curve depicting his weight gain.

Excess Deficit

Our body consists of a hundred trillion cells and it daily needs the whole complex of nutrients which we are supposed to get with our food.

Does it actually happen?

In our regular nutrition there is an excess of harmful substances, while on the other hand, we lack many nutritional elements our body requires.



In our regular nutrition there is an excess of harmful substances, while on the other hand, we lack many nutritional elements our body requires.

Factors negatively affecting the quality of nutrition

But this is not all. The processes of food absorption in the intestine is disturbed due to the following

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