Sunrise 4 Wellness – Where Friends of Good Nutrition Meet Everyday

It is Time To Balance Your Life
Nourish Your Soul!
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We Are Pleased To Invite You To Be Part Of Our Club And Find Out The &

Benefits That We Offer:

  • Free Body Fat Analysis
  • Weight Loss/Gain & Maintain
  • Nutrition For Kids
  • Nutritional Information
  • Healthy Active Lifestyle
  • Healthy Snacking
Contact Us

Why Health Guide?

We are not expert in being healthy with our lifestyle which only a wellness coach can guide or consult.

Free Body Fat Analysis

this simple 1 minute test gives all the factors about our body heath which can help you take right decision for your long term health


Meal Plans

Weight Loss/Gain & Maintain

Loosing weight is very easy but some think maintaining it for ever is a challenge, which is nothing but a skill or right knowledge.


Meal Plans

Free Body Fat Analysis

this simple 1 minute test gives all the factors about our body heath which can help you take right decision for your long term health

Weight Loss/Gain & Maintain

Loosing weight is very easy but some think maintaining it for ever is a challenge, which is nothing but a skill or right knowledge.

Nutrition For Kids

New generation kids ask & eat only TV recommnded food who also need
right education & right nutrition

Personalized Meal Plans

Eating food is necessity but eating intelligently is a skill
"which our wellness coaches are expert at"

Nutritional Information

We eat when we feel hungry but our body needs nutrition for growth, development, immune system, healthy aging, detoxification, vitality & energy.

Our Experts

Indar M Rajaani

Nutrition & Wellness Coach

My name is Indar M Rajaani , and I am associated with HERBALIFE for last 17 years.

Before Herbalife, with 20 years of hectic job schedule with MNC Bank in a senior position, with bad timings & lifestyle, slowly started putting on weight which bought many health issues which I kept keeping under control with medication, with out ever focusing on weight.

I always felt sluggish and run-down, it’s was easy to say, ‘Well, I guess I’m just getting older,’ but now I know that’s not true — you can be 65 and still feel like you’re 20.

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The Fastest Way To Loose Weight In Natural Way!

Over 11+ Years Of Experience


Workout Sessions


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Fat Loss Diet


Days Shape It Up Program

Story Of Success

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